Habitat and Biodiversity Assessment
Safe and healthy habitat is the key to sustaining biodiversity, and biodiversity is key to a resilient landscape. The Habitat and Biodiversity Assessment Tool (HBAT) focuses on stewardship opportunities to foster this resilience, which benefits not only wildlife and plants but current and future landowners. The stewardship opportunities that are presented for your land are based on your geographic location and the existing habitat features that you supply during the on-line assessment process. The results include recommendations that are suitable for habitats found on your land, and can benefit the plant, pollinator, and any wildlife species that may occur.
- Email: info@canadianfga.ca
- Web: https://www.canadianfga.ca/
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Safe and healthy habitat is the key to sustaining biodiversity, and biodiversity is key to a resilient landscape. The Habitat and Biodiversity Assessment Tool (HBAT) focuses on stewardship opportunities to foster this resilience, which benefits not only wildlife and plants but current and future landowners. The stewardship opportunities that are presented for your land are based on your geographic location and the existing habitat features that you supply during the on-line assessment process. The results include recommendations that are suitable for habitats found on your land, and can benefit the plant, pollinator, and any wildlife species that may occur.
- Email: info@canadianfga.ca
- Web: https://www.canadianfga.ca/
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